Getting Started With MCTDVL

Step 1:

Download the latest MCTDVL from out spigot plugin page:

Always use the latest version of MCTDVL.

Step 2:

Drag and drop it into the plugin folder of your bukkit/spigot/paper server and restart the server.

Upon starting the server you will see a message like this:

[11:49:31 INFO]: [MCTDVL] -------------------------------------
[11:49:31 INFO]: [MCTDVL] Successfully enabled MCTDVL
[11:49:31 INFO]: [MCTDVL] Created By AshuGuptaGamer
[11:49:31 INFO]: [MCTDVL] Version: 1.3
[11:49:31 INFO]: [MCTDVL] -------------------------------------

If you don't see any message like this please contact me on Discord and provide your server logs.

Discord Link:

Step 3:

Head over to your plugin folder and open config.yml in the MCTDVL folder and paste your Discord Webhook URL like this and reload the plugin with /mctdvl reload:

# Webhook url
# How to create a webhook url
webhook-url: "****************/***************************************************"

Step 4:

If your URL is correct you should see a test message in the Discord Channel:


And that's it your are done with the setup. Now whenever a player votes for your server, a message will be send to the specified channel in Discord like this:

You can play with the configuration and customize the look of message.

Last updated