
config.yml of MCTDVL Plugin.

# Prefix
prefix: "&8[&aMC&cT&bD&cVL&8] &r"
# Webhook url
# How to create a webhook url
webhook-url: ""
# Should we send a test message at the startup to check if the webhook-url is correct?
# Can also be used as a starting message of the plugin
# To disable this message use:
# testmessage: ""
test-message: "Enabling `MCTDVL`"
# Username of the testing webhook
test-username: ""
# Custom Avatar URL for the testing webhook
test-avatar-url: ""
# Should we use Mojang and Crafatar APIs to fetch player heads?
use-mojang-api: true
# Username of the webhook
# Available placeholders:
# %player% : Player Name
# %service-site% : Site Name
webhook-username: "%player%"
# Custom Avatar URL for the webhook
webhook-avatar-url: ""
# Format of the discord message
# Available placeholders:
# %player% : Player Name
# %service-site% : Site Name
format: "%player% just voted on %service-site%"

Last updated